Time Warner Cable's new commercial promotes, probably inadvertently, pet stores. It begins with a mother and daughter at a wishing fountain. The little girl wishes for a puppy. The mother wishes for affordable home internet. The janitor going by says he can help with that, and proceeds to tell the mother about Time Warner. The daughter looks down forlornly, and the mother then calls over to the janitor "Where's the nearest pet store?" And the daughter then becomes ecstatic.
We all know the effects of puppy mills, including the gross negligence of the animals and the cruelty they suffer. They are caged their whole life to mate and produce more puppies, which are then taken away all to soon. They never know the love of a human touch, a bath, grooming, and all the food they need.
Time Warner needs to step up to the plate, and promote the love and caring of animals. They need to pull a commercial which promotes puppy mills and pet stores. Granted, that may not have been their intention. But the fact remains that the commercial gives the uninformed viewer the subliminal message that it is ok to shop at pet stores thus promoting puppy mills.
And remind Time Warner to:
Update #49 years ago
It seems we are stuck at 959. I wonder why we can't get 41 more? Come on people, we can do it! Please share with all your friends. I believe we already have victory as Time Warner is no longer airing the end of the commercial. But let's finish what we started. Thank you for your commitment to ending puppy mills.
Update #39 years ago
We only need 43 more signatures! We can do it people! As a matter of fact, I think we already won! In the last week, of all the times I've seen the commercial (and that has been a lot!), they have only shown the edited version. That is the version where the mention of pet stores is cut out! Together, we have succeeded already. But let's show them we mean business and get those last 43 signatures.!
Update #210 years ago
Time Warner Cable is still not airing the end of the commercial. They have already felt the pressure. It appears they have cut out the "puppy store" endorsement. I say "it appears" because you never know with a big company like Time Warner. We need 65 more signatures. Please share with everyone you know!
Update #110 years ago
We are on the right track! I see the commercial multiple times during the day. It appears that Time Warner Cable has cut out the end of the commercial where the mother asks for the location of the nearest pet store!! However, the old commercial slips through now & them. So there is still a bit of work to do. Please share this petition again, and let's at least try to reach the goal. God bless you all for your help on eradicating puppy mills and the promotion of their existence.