Private landowners in Poland are now able to cut down any number of trees without applying for permission or informing Government authorities, according to a story in
A change in Polish environmental law has unleashed what conservationists have described, "as a 'massacre' of trees across the country".
As the report states: "The new amendment, commonly known as "Szyszko's law," after Jan Szyszko, Poland's environment minister, removes the obligation for private landowners to apply for permission to cut down trees, pay compensation or plant new trees, or even to inform local authorities that trees have been or will be removed."
Many citizens are outraged by the destruction, including a group of women who call themselves 'Polish Mothers on Tree Stumps' who started a campaign where they breastfeed their babies on recently felled trees to protest the new law.
The "massacre of the trees" must stop! Please sign and share the petition to demand the Government of Poland reverses the new law and reintroduces legislation that protects trees and forests on private land.