Save Scotland's seals from being shot!

  • by: Nicki Stevens
  • recipient: Nicola Sturgeon First Minister of Scotland

Following a plethora of planning applications for new salmon farms, or an increase in the biomass of existing salmon farms many local groups have formed. Complaints and groups stretch from the Western Isles to the Inner Hebrides, from Orkney to Shetland and include the salmon netting industry on the east coast.

The way in which many of the salmon farm planning applications appear to go through with little to no regard for the environmental effects or the tourist industry is appalling. Court cases of men clubbing seals to death and others shooting a kilometer away from any interests or even before deploying nets. One salmon farm lies just 20 meters from a protected haul-out, the farm responsible for the shooting of 50 seals in one year and no action has been taken.

Government lack of accountability has led to requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act, some of this was refused by the Scottish Government, in part trying to use a typo smiley face [ :-(( ] as the reason of threats to direct action. Fortunately the Scottish Information Commissioner over-ruled, the information has now been provided, which leads us to the current stage of campaigning: the Scottish Government, Government Agencies such as the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and the Scottish Natural Heritage, as well as politicians.

Supermarkets have always been on the agenda and the major ones were contacted, they were given plenty of time to respond and to date they have not; now the next stage against them commences.

What is particularly disturbing is that generally shooting is profit led; non lethal methods of keeping seals away from salmon are available; it is just that the industries don't want to use them...profits are more important.

please help us help Scotland's seals; sign our petition and share it...eventually the Relevant Authorities, Politicians and Supermarkets will wake up to the concept that;
1, We are not going away,
2, People Power works, and
3, Alternatives to Shooting Exist!

Thank you.

Office of the First Minister

St Andrew’s House

Regent Road



Tel: 0300 244 4000


Following a plethora of planning applications for new salmon farms, or an increase in the biomass of existing salmon farms many local groups have formed. Complaints and groups stretch from the Western Isles to the Inner Hebrides, from Orkney to Shetland and include the salmon netting industry on the east coast.

The way in which many of the salmon farm planning applications appear to go through with little to no regard for the environmental effects or the tourist industry is appalling. Court cases of men clubbing seals to death and others shooting a kilometer away from any interests or even before deploying nets. One salmon farm lies just 20 meters from a protected haul-out, the farm responsible for the shooting of 50 seals in one year and no action has been taken.

Government lack of accountability has led to requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act, some of this was refused by the Scottish Government, in part trying to use a typo smiley face [ :-(( ] as the reason of threats to direct action. Fortunately the Scottish Information Commissioner over-ruled, the information has now been provided, which leads us to the current stage of campaigning: the Scottish Government, Government Agencies such as the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and the Scottish Natural Heritage, as well as politicians.

Supermarkets have always been on the agenda and the major ones were contacted, they were given plenty of time to respond and to date they have not; now the next stage against them commences.

What is particularly disturbing is that generally shooting is profit led; non lethal methods of keeping seals away from salmon are available; it is just that the industries don't want to use them...profits are more important.

 funds, time and energy would be much better spent on finding alternative, non-lethal solutions that we can all live with...especially the sea lions!


Update #19 years ago
25th July 2015 - The Independent
Salmon farms that slaughter protected seals to be 'named and shamed' after landmark ruling
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