Barn Owls numbers are drastically reducing and although there are several reasons for their decline, most of them are preventable if we do something about it NOW
Large numbers are killed on our roads every year and an equal number are injured, and although with rehabilitation some of these can be returned to the wild, several cannot. Every single one of these creatures is incredibly important to the conservation of this species in Ireland and we would ask that you give careful consideration to this petition – this comes from the people of Ireland. We want to do something before it is too late.
We would like to see the regulations for Hedgerows and Screening for Roads Motorways and By-passes addressed, as a matter of urgency, in the first quarter of 2015 Barn Owl deaths and casualties on our roads are already in double figures, which is totally unacceptable, given the very low numbers in Ireland.
Motorways and By-Passes – Have an ongoing programme of Planting Native Hedgerows and Trees, to create natural screening at the sides of the roads, especially in areas with known nest sites or flight paths
For particular problem areas with high Barn Owl mortality rates immediate action is needed. Temporary screening must be erected without delay to avoid further deaths on our roads. Tralee is one of those areas
For roads with existing Hedgerows – Amend the regulations to reduce the cutting of hedgerows to once every 2 years, with a minimum height of at least 2 metres and leave some saplings to develop into trees
Hedgerows are a very important part of our landscape, and with the reduction of hedges and ditches within the farmland and the loss of a huge amount of our Native Woodland, they have become much more important wildlife habitats because of these changes, many of our Raptors are venturing further afield to hunt. Unfortunately much of the remaining hedgerows are bordering roads in the countryside and many Birds of Prey are hunting closer to the roads to take advantage of this. We are able to prevent a lot of the casualties simply by allowing the hedgerows grow taller, the hunting birds will then have to fly higher to cross over the roads and will avoid collisions.
By better management of the Hedgerows, not only can we help prevent the decimation of the Barn Owl, but there are so many other advantages - As a wildlife habitat, hedgerows provide food, shelter, corridors of movement, nest and hibernation sites for many of our native flora and fauna.
They provide a natural environment for insects,
Hedgerows provide natural protection for livestock and crops
They enhance the countryside for us and for the many visitors to Ireland
They provide long term cost effective barriers, for livestock
They provide natural Screening from unsightly roads
Their root systems help prevent flooding
They help to prevent the spread of airborne disease
They trap silt and soil particles, preventing it from entering water courses
They absorb vehicle emissions
They are part of Ireland’s cultural, historical and archaeological heritage.
Please add your voice and help protect one of the best-loved symbols of Irish wildlife.
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