Vanity plates in Ontario are a popular and permanent way to express your beliefs to other drivers on the road. Currently, under the "Environment" section of available vanity plate graphics, only graphics representing Ducks Unlimited and the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters are shown. Both of these organizations claim to be environmental but both promote the killing of animals. Please help urge the Ministry of Transportation to add a Vegan "V" symbol as an option to show your veggie pride.
To Premier Kathleen Wynne and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation:
Vanity plates in Ontario are a popular and permanent way to express your beliefs to other drivers on the road. Currently, under the "Environment" section of available vanity plate graphics, only graphics representing Ducks Unlimited and the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters are shown and both of these organizations promote the killing of animals, leaving no other viable graphic options for those who believe in a different way to commune with the environment. We are urging you to please add a Vegan "V" graphic option for those who wish to choose it.