North America's key birds are facing extinction – a study has found 314 species, including the bald eagle and 10 state birds of US, are at risk from climate change and loss of habitat, according to a report by the bird advocacy group Audubon.
Seven years of research has found that the effects of climate change and loss of habitat are the biggest threat to North America's bird species.
The report stated that by mid-century, 126 of the 588 bird species in the study would lose more than half of their traditional ranges and would go into decline. An additional 188 species would lose their range by 2080.
Maryland would lose the Baltimore oriole, which would no longer be able to breed in the mid-Atlantic. Louisiana would lose the brown pelican. Minnesota would lose the common loon, its state bird, which would be unable to survive in the continental United States. Idaho, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Utah, Vermont, and Washington DC would also lose their state birds.
The bald eagle, once considered a success story for American conservation, could lose 75% of its range by 2080. Some birds, such as the trumpeter swan, would lose virtually all of their range towards the end of the century.
US birds should not have to suffer because of human interference. Will you join me in urging US Fish and Wildlife prioritize efforts to protect habitat and help birds adapt to climate change?
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