Please sign and share this petition in an effort to ask authorities to do a further and thorough investigation in Dothan, Alabama when a man was actually bringing a stray cat in to an animal shelter for care since he could not keep it himself. Yes, it appears the man had words with staff at the shelter but it was no reason to kill him since he apparently went in with good intentions.
A recent story has surfaced where Mr. Robert Lawrence entered an animal shelter in Dothan, Alabama in an attempt to return a stray cat he could not keep and care for. The guy does not have a clean record but it was no reason to literally shoot him dead while he was actually doing the right thing; bringing an animal into the shelter rather than abusing it as so many other people seem to do.
The police involved, Dothan Police Sgt. Maurice Eggleston stated that Mr. Lawrence was trying to return a stray animal to the shelter (all the details are not fully clear according to reports). The shelter apparently wanted to see the man's ID which caused a verbal altercation with shelter staff, resulting in a call to police. Of course, Mr. Lawrence was upset and threatened arrest if he did not calm down. There is no documentation that the man was dangerous and/or armed. Sgt. Eggleston states however that "A physical altercation ensued, to which Lawrence was shot in the abdomen." Under the circumstances, there was no reason to shoot to kill this man.
The officer in this case could have used another method such as a taser to subdue him if absolutely necessary, but not kill him because he had an issue showing his ID when bringing an animal into a shelter! We believe that this officer overstepped his boundaries in this matter and should be removed from his job for killing this man under the circumstances. There is no reason this man should have died when actually trying to do the right thing and appreciate your help in this matter by signing and sharing this petition on all media sites!
Alabama State Bureau of Investigation & Dothan Law Enforcement - You need to do a thorough investigation regarding Mr. Lawrence and his death. It appears that he was actually trying to do the right thing (despite how he handled it) by trying to bring an animal to the shelter for care. So many other people turn their backs on animals and/or abuse them rather than seek proper care at a shelter or other animal facility. The action of Sgt. Eggleston was clearly inappropriate and he needs to be relieved of his duties. The police department is supposed to serve and protect, not shoot to kill and ask questions later. This man did not warrant being killed!