Please sign and share this petition as we fight Zimbabwe against the sales of baby elephants in their country to other areas around the world! Just imagine hearing gunshots, which is geared at elephant families with hopes that the youngster, who cannot keep up with the rest, be captured and sold. How traumatic for them to be separated from their mothers, roped together and taken away to unfamiliar areas. Let us fight to keep these families together in their natural habitat as they are meant to be.
Recent reports state that Zimbabwe are capturing baby elephants away from their families in Hwange National Park in an effort to sell them to other countries like France, United Arab Emirates and of course, China. Such areas as China and the United Arab Emirates have a past history of animal cruelty, including in circuses and their zoos.
A spokesman for the Conservation Task Force in Zimbabwe or ZTCF has stated that “It’s cruel what they are doing.” People in the country claim there are more than 80,000 elephants when in reality they are about 58,000 in numbers, and dropping. Back in 2013 along, 20,000 elephants were lost due to poaching. They can't take these baby animals out of Africa and send them somewhere unnatural inhumane areas. Please read and help!
The ZCTF is hopeful in stopping this plan to sell baby elephants globally. These young animals will not even survive the trip away from their natural habitats and do so is like giving them a sentence of animal cruelty and inhumane treatment. These baby elephants, along with the families who lose them is very distressing for all involved. Do not allow all these government officials in Zimbabwe to steal these babies from the only life they know and subject them to sure terror and abuse.
Help us in our effort to ensure that Zimbabwe will not continue to sell baby elephants globally and guaranteeing them a life of torture by signing and sharing this petition worldwide. Just imagine the fear and terror these baby elephants feel and endure and stop such sales!
Officials Robert Mugabe, Saviour Kasukwere, Walter Mazimbi and Chidziwa In Zimbabwe - Please do not continue to steal baby elephants from their own families, selling them globally. You are ensuring them sure fear and terror, along with animal cruelty and inhumane treatment. Most often these young animals cannot even endure the trip to other countries. This a sure death sentence for them. Stop the practice of capturing baby elephants from their mothers and selling them to other countries. They need to remain in their natural habitat!!