Every 15 minutes an elephant dies; 96 every day; 35,000 every year and they will be extinct by 2020 at this rate. In light of these statistics to have a corporation, that PROFITS from greeting cards and gifts, promote Ivory as the 14th wedding anniversary is unconscionable! When the earth's natural resources are being exploited for corporate greed and profit - it is inexcusable for a corporation to promote and PROFIT from the slaughtering deaths of animals being driven into extinction. HALLMARK needs to publicly apologize - change their anniversary list. They are still functioning off of a 1930's list which show they have little regard and no concern for the earthly resources being exploited today... ENOUGH! Join the effort to save these precious, last of the mammoth mammals - be a corporate sponsor to the Global effort to preserve elephants: http://www.march4elephantsandrhinos.org/ WE are ALL very disappointed in the lack of corporate stewardship and mindless executive management of HALLMARK. Sincerely, A responsible and extremely disappointed EX-Customer