Help Save Bequia's Wildlife

  • by: otmar schaedle
  • recipient: Government, Fisheries, Dept of Tourism ... to enforce the existing law!

1) The Law of St.Vincent and the Grenadines W.I. protects endangered Sea Turtles. It forbids the poaching of turtle eggs and turtle hatchlings. In a commercially run operation visitors are invited to pay to see hundreds of hawkbill hatchlings in overcrowded, fungus infested, concrete basins where they are kept for years on end. The turtles are fed with feed not innate to them as there are no sponges, algae, seaweed or jellyfish in the barren basins. Most hatchlings vanish within a few months. Every year they are being replaced by hundreds of newly poached hatchlings. The operation is not run or monitored scientifically. No data has ever been provided as how many turtles have been taken, released or when and where. PLus, sea turtles are still caught in nets in protected areas. We urge the responsible authorities such as the Fisheries to step in and enforce the law. 

2) Tiny Bequia Isle holds status for indigenous whaling and is permitted a certain yearly quota once they adhere to the tradition such as the use of the original whale boats. Nevertheless as many as 7 speedboats have been observed not only assisting in sighting the Humpbacks but executing the actual hunt while the whaleboats are standing by which is violating the indigenous status. Neighboring Dominica has since abandoned whalehunting, they'r now promote whalewatching... much more rewarding and the way to go in order to sustain 'Green' Tourism. 'Protect the Ocean' means protect it's Marine Species too. Ministry of Tourism take note!   

To whom it may concern,

THE LAW OF SVG PROHIBITS the taking and keeping of SEATURTLES, their hatchlings and eggs. A scientifically UNTRAINED business man,  a former turtle harpooner by name Orton King, keeps hundreds of turtles in tiny, cramped, fungus infested, concrete basins for years on end in a COMMERCIALLY RUN operation he inappropriately named "Turtle Sanctuary", better to be named 'Turtle Prison'. From the hundreds of hawkbill turtles he's POACHING every year only few survive, most vanish after a few month of their taking. King has never provided any data; e.g. how many turtles taken and how many released when and where!

We ask the Responsible Authorities to enforce the LAW Of SVG!

Update #19 years ago
The Turtle Place needs to be visited, evaluated and monitored by a team of marine biologists. In the meantime, the poaching of sea turtle hatchlings and eggs has to stop. It is illegal and should be prosecuted! Further, scientists do not recommend the confinement of turtles and the so-called head-starting as there is evidence that it is in fact not saving but rather damaging the marine reptiles. With many thanks for all your support, Grazias, Merci, Danke, Tak and more thanks!
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