Tell Wisconsin NOT to kill 4,750 innocent black bears, 2/3 of them cubs, over packs of dogs fall 201

  • by: Patricia Randolph
  • recipient: The Wisconsin legislature, Dept. of Natural Resources, Natural Resources Board, and citizens of Wisconsin

19,000 BLACK BEARS - 2/3 OF THEM CUBS, HAVE BEEN KILLED IN JUST THE PAST FOUR YEARS IN WISCONSIN for fun by hunters, under this corrupt state government. The DNR plans to kill another 4,750 bears for their elite clientele this fall over a five week period. They are voting on expanding the running of dogs on bears to the central part of Wisconsin - April 13, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in every county in the state.

Bears are endangered all over the world, including 6 of the 8 species of bears on the endangered list. In the past 40 years, 52% of all non-human life on this planet has been destroyed by human overpopulation, consumption, and killing fervor.  It is a trajectory that scientists warn us goes shortly to human extinction on a dead planet.

Tell Wisconsin to open its 88 years of "PUBLIC" elections ( this one on April 13 ) to the non-hunting public. Only 6,000 avid killers dominate this election in a voting public of millions who are not aware of its importance. 94% of our public lands have been paid for by wildlife watchers, NOT killers - yet killers destroy the life out of our woods and we who live in the country with the bears, deer, trapped animals suffer with them.  Wisconsin citizens ( and even children can vote whether to kill rare white deer, sand hill cranes, more bears over packs of dogs, and increase trapping ) can find the locations of the April 13 election in their county and the entire questionnaire here:

Please sign and network widely to PROTECT OUR BEARS!

Please sign and network this petition to stop the suffering of our bears across central Wisconsin.  Rural counties rule our election because hunters took a hunting lobby and lobbied it into SOLE ADVISORY to the DNR and legislature.  They only know expansion of killing to keep their power base.  PLEASE attend your county election and run as a candidate with a friend to stand up for wildlife.  It is a commitment of four meetings a year.  More information at

Update #59 years ago
Wisconsin's state killing business plans to kill another 4,750 innocent black bears over packs of dogs and bait in September/October - most of them are cubs less than two years old. They train the dogs using live baby bears in fenced enclosures and go after baby bears during the summer any time they want, in farmer's fields where a trapper told me a THIRD of the babies do not make it to a tree and are torn apart on the ground. Please help Wisconsin wake up!
Update #49 years ago
Monday, April 13, with appalling low attendance at the 88th annual election ( 4,600 in a state of 5.7 million ) Wisconsin citizens abandoned their wildlife. The usual bear killers voted in earlier killing of our bears - 4,750 to be killed this fall, mostly cubs - over packs of dogs and bait.

We need many more signatures on this petition. Over a 100,000 hunters apply to kill our bears and pay $3/each just for applying. $49 to kill a bear. No license to save them.
Update #39 years ago
Hi -
The election where Wisconsin citizens actually vote on whether to expand bear hounding in the central part of Wisconsin is tomorrow night - I hope you will pull out all stops to show Wisconsin that the world is watching - and ATTEND THE ELECTION WHERE YOU CAN VOTE if you live in Wisconsin. Locations in all 72 counties on the DNR web site here: Run two humane candidates in your county to save our wildlife! Thanks!
Update #29 years ago
URGENT: We need 100,000 signatures ( 4000 people enrolling ten each and those enrolling another 1 each would more than do it). Our bears deserve so much better. The trade in wildlife killing and parts is destroying key species like bears, wolves, cougars, jaguars, elephants, lions, rhinos. We have a very short time to turn this around with killing licenses funding state agencies. Please network this petition and do all you can to promote it. Thanks for signing!
Update #19 years ago
Thank you for signing.
Please network this petition to animal friendly organizations, email lists, facebook and twitter friends to get us over 20,000 signatures by April 13. Please care enough to organize state by state to reform FUNDING of state nature agencies, replacing killing licenses as the main funding mechanism to general public funding tied to fair representation for the 90% + who do not kill wildlife for fun.
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