Umadavi elephant
Umadavi is kept in a hidden place outside of the temple by a mahout who wants visitors to ride her
Umadavi is chained to a tree and tied up with all 4 legs and standing in her own dung
It's so heartbreaking:
You can only describe her as a worn, old female that reminds you of dear Raju, under nourished, thin and very sad. Her mahout keeps hitting her with a stick. Her chains are too short and tight she cannot move at all.
A visitor told: “He kept hitting Umadavi in the eye and tears kept running down this poor Elephants face . When we refused to give money the mahout began to scream at us. She was looking at me, smelling me with her trunk and the tears of sadness were dripping down her worn, battered face. The mahout told me to climb onto her for a ride, I told him that, that was not going to happen. I felt her pain, her need for love and her need of freedom. I have no idea what we can do but expose her misery, the temple she belongs to and her where a bouts in the hope that enough people will act towards her freedom.
Bless all those that care enough to share this information
Umadavi needs very urgently to be rescued and relocated to a sanctuary where her wounds can heal!
Here's the contact information I have on Umadevi, the Temple elephant I met in November in Kerala. She's very frail and needs rescuing
Please pass this info to all that may be able to help
Following is the Temple Managers contact #
Marari Kulam Shiva Temple
Mobile : +918447803563
Land line : +91478 2862634
Please write an email to the contact persons in the petition: this will be of great help to put more pressure on this case!
Range Forest Officer, Alappuzha SF Range
Hon, Minister for Forests, Environment, Motor Vehicles, Road and Water Transport, Sports & Cinema 9447018116
Take a screenshot from your mails as well, please!