ASHA has been in a hopeless situation for nearly 30 years.

ASHA lives in a zoo where the USDA has cited over 30 felony offenses of animal abuse, death, and unsanitary or inadequate food and dwellings.  No wonder ASHA's face looks so sad and hopeless. Help her today! Sign and join An Elephant Calling.

We applaud Senator Adam Ebbin for standing up for elephants in the Senate Courts.We are asking Senator Ebbin to help us Free ASHA and move her to an elephant sanctuary.

ASHA has been hanging on for nearly 3 decades in the deplorable Natural Bridge Zoo in Virginia. Natural Bridge Zoo has been named the #1 Worst Elephant Zoo in the United States. The USDA has been conducting an investigation. The report says there are over 30 felony charges.  Some are from intentional death.  ASHA's food was reported to have dead birds in it and bird droppings. 

Asha is forced to give rides in sweltering heat under threat of physical abuse from bullhook-wielding handler(s). The bullhook is like a fire poker that is used to control elephants through fear and painful punishment. In winter she is forced to be chained  to a cold, concrete floor. ASHA lives a solitary life; her main "playmate" is a hard rubber tire. The complex nature of elephants is to socialize with other sister elephants.

Please SIGN AND SHARE. Join An Elephant Calling.  ASHA depends on each and every one of you.

Update #210 years ago
**PLEASE join the group AN ELEPHANT CALLING. That is ASHA's page. Please SHARE this petition and also her FB page, An Elelphant Calling, with your elephant friends!

As you recall, ASHA is the lone elephant at Natural Bridge Zoo in Natural Bridge, Virginia.
The Zoo has been sited with over 30 felony charges by the USDA. ASHA's food was found to have DEAD BIRDS and bird droppings in it.

Sanctuary is our goal for ASHA. It can't happen quickly enough. Let's do this!
Update #110 years ago
in less than 24 hours, we have over 500 signatures to help ASHA, the lone elephant at Natural Bridge Zoo, Virginia, USA. Way to go!

If each of you could forward and share this petition with 5 or 10 of your contacts no matter if they are in the world, it would greatly increase our support quickly and potentially help ASHA be moved from Natural Bridge Zoo to a sanctuary before it is too late.

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