This petition is to oppose an application for a special zoning exception to excavate and mine A2 (Agricultural) and FR (Forestry Resource) land for corporate interest located at 1339 SR415, New Smyrna Beach FL 32168. Parcel #7234-00-00-0030 and #7235-01-02-0050. This request will change the use and intent of the land from Agriculture & Forestry to a provision that is compatible solely for the intent of intensifying corporate expansion and will further increase traffic by adding upwards of one hundred (120) 70,000 lbs dump trucks a day on Highway SR/CR415 & SR44 for a minimum five (5) year period.
We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge the Volusia County Planning and Land Development Regulation Commission as well as the county council to deny this application for a special exception - Case # S-15-008.
Update #39 years ago
Planning and Land Development Hearing will be held tomorrow at 9:00am at 123 W Indiana Ave
# 202, DeLand, FL 32720. Please wear Red in opposition; you can prepare to speak for up to 3 min. or show your support from the audience.
Update #29 years ago
We've updated the website: with a video of the Protest on Saturday, as well as, added a Blog Page so you can share your thoughts -- BE HEARD!
Thank you all for your support; we can change hearts and minds with awareness.
Remember to share the website and ask people to Sign the Petition or fill out the form--your words make a difference...
Update #19 years ago
We have created a website detailing the issues. It includes engineer reports and videos. Please go to: and share it with all your friends/family/churches/co-workers... and even your ex'es! We need to get the word out--awareness is the key to fixing this issue.
Again, your help is so appreciated!