Petite Mort - Stop Selling Roadkill Fur
Stand up to Petite Mort by signing the petition to stop them selling road kill fur.
Petite Mort has dreamt up an appalling idea to make money out of woman’s greed attempting to still look glamorous in a dreadful tactless and immoral way by picking up dead animals from the roadside and using their fur to make clothes. Yuck! This is gut wrenching, disgusting and immoral. They are exploiting animals who can’t speak up for themselves by hitching a ride to get round the issue of animal rights by calling it “ethical”!! and giving money to charity!! They have no scruples at all. The animal still has a horrible death by being run over by a vehicle! How can they glamourize that!!
Real fur is real fur regardless of how and where it came from and should never be worn under any circumstances to protect animal rights.
There is no need to look cruel and stupid to stay warm regardless of how and where the fur has come from. Cruelty free fabrics and faux furs are available in stores everywhere to wear.
Wearing real fur (road kill or not) means ignoring the brutal fact that the animal has suffered and died just for someone to “look good”. Why would anyone want that to happen just for beauty and fashion?
How can passers-by recognise that the fur on the back of tactless women has been ripped off the animal found by the roadside or from a fur factory? The dead animal needs a proper burial with its own skin on regardless of whether it has been reared to be worn on the backs of blood thirsty woman wanting to look glamorous above the rest or whether the animal’s skin was ripped off by the roadside. Let its fur stay where it belongs and stand up to these backward thinking people.
This is a tacky, cheap and nasty attempt by Petite Mort, and if enough of us sign this petition against them it may encourage them to rethink their use of real fur in their garments.
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