Don't Weaken Protections Against Harmful Pesticides!
- by: Jen Johnson
- recipient: Transatlantic Trade Agreement negotiators
A new trade agreement between the US and EU includes harmful plans to roll back critical protections against harmful pesticides.
This transatlantic trade agreement is being negotiated behind closed doors by trade groups and that are claiming in order to lift trade barriers, they need to gut rules that protect our health and environment.
Commercial farmers still use a huge number of toxic chemicals linked to hormone disruption, learning disabilities, and cancer. US and EU regulations help protect against some of the worst offenders, like Agent Orange. One chemical that's been banned in Europe has been linked to the disappearance of honeybees.
Unless we speak out against this plan to roll back hard-won environmental protections, millions more pounds of toxic pesticides could once again be sprayed all over crops in the US and EU, affecting not only our health but wildlife and water sources.
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