With the increasing number of animal abuse stories in the UAE, some of which you’d think was something out of a horror movie, and the heartbreaking posts shared across the social media platforms, anyone with a shred of decency would agree that
Animal abuse is a crime that must be punished. The dynamic nature of the population in the UAE, which is made up of expats in most, who are always on the move, the lack of law enforcement and lack of education or awareness, add to that the extreme summer weather condition are all contributors to the growing problem. By signing this petition you are taking a firm stand against all offenders, you are saying no to animal cruelty in all its forms, from any physical abuse, negligence, abandonment, imprisonment (cages, chains, etc…), mishandling, sexual abuse, and illegal trade. You are also calling on the government to put policy in place to solve the growing problem, to educate and empower people to report abuse, and to keep a close eye on animal market conditions, and on zoos within the UAE to ensure full compliance with the law.
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