Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get the UK to abide with the Laws of the EU Conservationists Organizations. In breaking these laws, dead porpoises are washing ashore because of irresponsible fishing practices. Britain needs to stop being lax in their fishing practices and other issues involving the safety of the porpoises or they will be legally cited by the European Court System.
It has come to the attention of the European Conservation that the UK is breaking several laws regarding the safety and preservation of the porpoises. The harbor porpoises is the most common, smallest and threatened species in the North Sea and UK waters. They are very similar in stature to the bottlenose dolphin. They are not currently on the endangered species list but their numbers are declining swiftly due to human activities such as fisheries bycatch, starvation, underwater noise and injuries from boats.
The European Commission has recently sent a warning letter to the UK, saying that a failure to apply the Habitats Directive to the cetaceans now could “seriously compromise their ecological character.” “Despite a large number of harbor porpoise in its waters, the UK has so far proposed only one small site in Northern Ireland [as a protected area], exposing some of the identified sites to the risk of offshore wind farm development,” a statement says.
It is not known for sure why the UK is not doing all it can to save the porpoises throughout all their waters, despite being repeatedly urged the commission to fulfill its key obligations for the species. Important porpoise habitats in various UK waters need to be protected. Where high densities of porpoises and other mobile species can be found, marine protected areas (MPAs) are required. MPAs can help to provide certainty to marine users, enable implementation of local management measures, as well as promoting conservation research and education, and so can aid protection of an often forgotten, coastal species. The UK has given two months to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions from the Aberthaw power plant in Wales, while Portugal was given a court referral for inadequate waste water treatment, with a request for a €4.5m (£3.5m) lump sum fine and daily €20,000 penalty until the country complies with EU laws.
A Conservationist spokesperson stated “We are committed to protecting the harbor porpoise. The species benefits from a protected area at Skerries and Causeway, and we are working to identify further potential sites for increased protection. “We are considering the Reasoned Opinion from the European Commission and will respond in due course.” We need to encourage the UK to abide by the EU Conservation laws that will protect the porpoises. Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get the UK to abide with the Laws of the EU Conservationists Organizations. In breaking these laws, dead porpoises are washing ashore because of irresponsible fishing practices. Britain needs to stop being lax in their fishing practices and other issues involving the safety of the porpoises or they will be legally cited by the European Court System.
Whale & Dolphin Conservationist, Fish & Wild Life Federation of the UK - Please ensure that you will abide by the laws set forth by the European Commission so that we can save the existence of the harbor porpoises. By breaking the EUS Conservation Laws, you are putting these creatures in peril from such dangers by human activities such as fisheries bycatch, starvation, underwater noise and injuries from boats. The numbers of dead porpoises washing up on shore is a harsh reminder that many of these dangers lurk in the waters of the UK, which can be prevented by following the strict laws of the EUS. Please save the porpoises from endangerment and possible extinction, which will happen if you do not comply.
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