Demand Man Who Starved Dog to Death Never Own an Animal Again!!

  • by: Anonymous
  • recipient: Hon. Kenneth R. Melvin RE: Adriane Mason Animal Cruelty Case

Adriane Mason was sentenced to spend six months in jail and three years of supervised probation, during which time he's prohibited from owning any animals.  HOWEVER, he will be allowed to own animals again after THREE years of probation!  Full article can be found below:

Written by Alisa Mullins | February 11, 2014

Almost exactly a year to the day after PETA volunteers made a gruesome discovery while out delivering straw bedding to neglected “backyard dogs” in Portsmouth, Virginia, a judge has sentenced a man who was convicted of cruelty to animals—for starving a pit bull named Dynasty to death.

The PETA volunteers almost walked right by the dirty plastic dog carrier because it was partially concealed by a doghouse that had been purposely pushed up against it, probably to hide the dogs. But then they heard movement inside. The dog who was trapped inside began barking, wagging his tail, and jumping up and down in excitement. As they approached, they realized that there were actually two dogs in the crate—but the other dog wasn’t moving.

Inside the crate, they discovered the emaciated remains of Dynasty, a brindle female pit bull. The surviving dog, a male pit-bull mix named Blue, was also malnourished.

The crate was so small that Blue was forced to trample Dynasty’s body. The two dogs had evidently been put in the crate at least the day before PETA found them so that they would be out of the way for a birthday party.

After the volunteers called the police, Dynasty’s remains, along with Blue, were relinquished to PETA. An examination by a veterinarian revealed that Dynasty didn’t have a single ounce of fat on her body and that she had been suffering from an untreated broken leg. The only contents of her stomach were a few pieces of straw that she had eaten out of desperation to sustain herself.

In September, the dogs’ owner, Adriane Mason, was found guilty of cruelty to animals for starving Dynasty to death and for depriving her of emergency veterinary treatment. Today, a judge, who said he was “mystified” and “dumbfounded” by Mason’s behavior, sentenced him to 12 months in jail, with six months suspended, and ordered him to pay $452 restitution to PETA (for veterinary bills). Perhaps most importantly, Mason was also sentenced to three years supervised probation, during which time he cannot own any animals.

As for Blue, his dark days are behind him. He was taken to the Virginia Beach SPCA and later adopted into a loving home. If you’d like to see him in his new digs, pick up a PETA 2014 Calendar—he’s the dashing “Mr. August.”

Blue Dog

Read more:

Hon. Kenneth R. Melvin:

This petition respectfully requests that Adriane Mason, the man found guilty of animal cruelty, be forever denied any rights to own, or provide care for, any animal.  In February of last year, two dogs were found in a crate, one of which had been dead from starvation.  The other was emaciated, albiet incredibly happy to have been found.  It is obvious this man does not have the common sense or compassion to care for another life.  With your help, a consistent, extremely strong message of zero tolerance can be put forth.  This man must be made into an example.  Your assistance is crucial in this fight against the blatant disregard for the pain and suffering of animals.


HEARING TIME:  09:00 AM, 2/11/2014

Judge: JAC

Courtroom:  3

Case#:  CR13000552-01





Case Type:  M

CODE SECTION:  3.2-6570

DS:  B



HEARING TIME:  10:00 AM, 9/24/2013



CASE #:  CR13000552-01






CODE SECTION:  3.2-6570

DS:  B

HEARING TYPE:  TRYL (very last comment - G.) "G. Any person convicted of violating this section may be prohibited by the court from possession or  ownership of companion animals."  "G. The court may prohibit the possession or ownership of other companion animals by the owner of any companion animal found to have been abandoned, cruelly treated, or deprived of adequate care. In making a determination to prohibit the possession or ownership of companion animals, the court may take into consideration the owner's past record of convictions under this chapter or other laws prohibiting cruelty to animals or pertaining to the care or treatment of animals and the owner's mental and physical condition."


Update #111 years ago
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