Insist Mesquite Texas animal control stop killing family pets!

Imagine your precious kitty was trapped by a neighbor and turned in to animal control as a stray. At any reasonable shelter you would figure out your kitty was missing and be able to call the shelter and come get your baby. Most shelters have a stray hold and any animal brought in must be held for a period of time to allow an owner to find their furry friend. Mesquite is killing right on intake. Citing injuries or illness as reason to kill. If your pet has ever been lost for over a week they can look like a stray, be injured, or ill. No one has the right to decide based off appearance if an animal is a stray.

  Holly has a love for cats and would love to have one in her home. Sadly her son and husband are severely allergic. So Holly adopted the care and feeding of a feral colony. The cats were trapped, neutered/spayed, and released. They had ear tips so should they end up in an animal control staff would know they were sterilized and have a caregiver. Mesquite ignored Bobbie Sue's tipped ear. They didn't know or care that Holly could hold her and pet her. That she was loving and someone's special baby. Her other colony mates all vanished. Most likely trapped and brought in.

Going on the word of the trapper that they were strays or somehow a bother, Mesquite euthanized them on the spot.

Holly was handed her frozen dead baby less than 48 hours after realizing she was missing. We demand justice for Bobby Sue and every other animal that deserves a chance to be reclaimed and returned to loving arms.

Mesquite, we ask that you respect TNR ear tipped cats as loved, fed, and cared for. Secondly, all animals deserve to be scanned for a chip prior to euthanizing them regardless of appearance or injury. Lastly and most importantly, we demand that you match every other animal facility in the United States and adhere to a mandatory stray hold policy. We find anything less to be sadistic murder by animal control staff and completely lawless. Valerie Bradley is the director over this facility tell ask her to monitor her center and screen staff better. Call her office 1-972-329-8329

To whom it may concern, I recently learned Mesquite Tx animal control does euthanasia the same day animals arrive. The basis for instant Euth. is appearance. Who appointed one of your control officers the right to take an animals life based on condition? As an owner who lost a pet for 20 days I will tell you upon return he could have easily passed as feral. He was chipped by scanning his chip I got him back. He had a swollen head and eye injury. Your shelter staff are not licensed veterinarians yet they are permitted to make medical assessments of animals health and using this as a basis to also Euth. immediately. I demand you enforce a mandatory stray hold so owners like myself can reunite with my pet and provide vet care. Your staff cannot play judge, jury, and executioner.

Update #210 years ago
The director at this facility is Valerie Bradley 972-329-8329 she is the person who can enforce procedures being followed.
Update #110 years ago
Contact this shelter personally and tell them we do not tolerate killing an animal based on appearance. Animal Services
1650 Gross Road
Mesquite, TX 75149
Report Concerns

Ph: 972-216-6283

Monday - Friday
11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

1 - 5:30 p.m.

Closed Sundays and city holidays
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