Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get federal government wildlife service's to investigate the over 4 million animals that have been shot, poisoned, snared and trapped just in the fiscal year 2013 included 75,326 coyotes, 866 bobcats, 528 river otters, 3,700 foxes, 12,186 prairie dogs, 973 red-tailed hawks, 419 black bears and at least three eagles, golden and bald. The question is whether these were all necessary killings. Often times it is not but we need to investigate and show more transparency as to the death of so many unnecessary animal deaths!
When it comes to the data regarding the death of numerous wild animals annually, there is little cause listed for each killing the methods used and the reasons behind mistakes that lead to massive kills of animals that aren’t targeted. As Congress gets involved in this issue, the believe that the numerous behaviors of the Wildlife Services is very secretive and opaque. They claim that they work to “resolve human/wildlife conflicts” in a strategic way. "As wildlife damage increases, requests for assistance also increase.” However, the agency provided no explanation for why the kill total can be 1.5 million in one year and 5 million the next.
The number of killings is staggering, with 4 million lives lost at the turn of the century, down to 1.5 million a couple of years later and back up to 5 million after several more years. Currently the count of dead animals annually is 4 million and critics are pressing for a better explanation for why. Are all these killings really warranted and do the methods they use pose any threat to domestic pets and humans? Maybe the practices of the Wildlife Services is getting out of control.
Wildlife Services’ primary purpose is to eradicate invasive creatures introduced from other parts of the world. They include greedy feral hogs, giant swamp rats called nutria, big aggressive Argentine lizards called tegus and swarms of hungry starlings that destroy the habitats of animals native to the United States.But the agency also kills native animals en masse, sometimes based solely on a homeowner’s or farmer’s perception of a threat. The Wildlife service provides various reasoning for the numerous killing of animals. You can read more at
Surely some trappings and killings are warranted by the Wildlife Service but much of what and why they do what they do is in question by the federal government and Congress. A representative from Oregon is concerned about the secret methods of Wildlife Services, at one time calling it “one of the most opaque and obstinate departments I’ve dealt with.” He has asked to know what goes into poisons used by the agency that are a danger to people and harmless animals but hasn’t gotten an answer. “We’re really not sure what they’re doing." We need to ask for a further investigation and more transparency into the practices of the Wildlife Service.
Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get federal government wildlife service's to investigate the over 4 million animals that have been shot, poisoned, snared and trapped just in the fiscal year 2013 included 75,326 coyotes, 866 bobcats, 528 river otters, 3,700 foxes, 12,186 prairie dogs, 973 red-tailed hawks, 419 black bears and at least three eagles, golden and bald. The question is whether these were all necessary killings. Often times it is not but we need to investigate and show more transparency as to the death of so many unnecessary animal deaths!
Federal Government Wildlife Agencies - Someone needs to totally investigate the Wildlife Service regarding the millions of animals they kill each and every year! No one seems to know exactly why so many animals are killed, if they are all warranted, how safe the practices are and demand that their practices be more transparent to ensure no lives are lost unnecessarily. Something is definitely not right and surely many animals are being killed unnecessarily. Please investigate and set some regulations for a more transparent practice of the Wildlife Service, saving the lives of animals that are important for the environment.
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