Terrier-work is the most evil part of fox hunting. It causes fear, EXTREME PAIN AND DISTRESS to foxes being dug out and killed. Foxes are trapped inside their earth by nets and they are often attacked underground by the entered terrier. Even those terrier-men who abide by the law are causing terrible suffering to foxes because terrier-work is barbaric by nature. Plus vixens can have cubs as early as January and the vixen will be reluctant to leave her babies so will reluctantly bolt when a terrier is entered. This causes extreme distress to the nursing mother. Terrier work is extremely evil. Please sign this petition to end terrier-work. WE AIM TO DO SOMETHING WITH THIS PETITION BY TAKING IT TO THE PRESS AND POLITICIANS. My thanks everyonel.
Also note that the fox in the photograph above is being de-socked. This hideous terrier-man is encouraging his dog to skin the agonised fox alive. In other words ripping the flesh from the leg bone. Please encourage as many people as possible to sign our petition. Thanks Judi (Hewitt)
Update #58 years ago
"I've held a fox many times by the scruff or brush and felt how petrified they get, their hearts banging away like hell, farting, excreting and peeing every time they hear the hounds speak. I'm the person giving him three seconds to live. Absolutely ghastly.
So can you see how this petition is so important? Terrier work is ghastly so PLEASE FOR GOD'S SAKE LET'S MAKE THIS WORK. We need a million signatures.
Update #49 years ago
I now know the name of the vile man in the photo and the area he lives in Gilford in Northern Ireland. This poor fox was tortured to death by this man. I will do all that I can to raise awareness so that beasts like this man are stopped. Please continue to share to others to sign this petition please - only when it reaches 100,000 can we hope to get this terrible cruelty out into the public domain so that pressure can be brought to bare on these sadistic people.
Update #39 years ago
The Conservatives have won so we must work together to ensure they don't legalize the blood bath that is fox hunting. If you have already signed this petition but haven't shared it then now is the time to make an impact. PLEASE DON'T LET THE PITIFUL SCREAMS OF OUR FOXES GO UNHEARD.- keep sharing and include an emotive message that brutal terrier-work (which is an integral part of any fox hunt) will NOT be tolerated.
Update #29 years ago
Time is of the essence for this very important petition because we need to get it noticed by political candidates 'before' the UK's general election on May 7th. If you can help me reach 20,000 supporters in the next seven to ten days then I can generate enough press coverage to get their attention. And after this hopefully we can try to reach 100,000. This terrible cruelty to foxes needs debating and hopefully acted upon and STOPPED! PLEASE HELP!
Update #19 years ago
The petition is going well but we need more people to sign so that we can effect change and stop this hideously cruel sport to stop. On behalf of the foxes a very big thankyou.