Umbrella Revolution started on 28 Oct 2014 , Checked against many days of protests , Many student sat-ins and demonstrations on Mong Kok,Central,Admiralty,Causeway Bay (more place) . Police forced to suppress demonstrators to disperse on 28 Oct , they primarily used pepper spray and tear gas . Until now , Police deployed police dogs on alert at night , Many people favorited animals , they kown police dogs were innocent , Its were not have stance , Its don't understand what happened now , Police use power of animals to disperse demonstrators , The biggest problem is the total number of cells in the dog's sense of smell is 40 to 100 times the human , it is said that the dog's sense of smell senses it accounted for most pivotal postition , the total number of cells in the dog's sense of smell is 40 to 100 times human beings . A trained dog can distingish more than 100,000 kinds of smells , No wonder the dog has ''living animals on the nose'' .
When disperse demonstrators , police always use tear gas and pepper spray . That why cannot deploy police dogs to disperse the crowd.
A trained dog
One dog sense of smell sensitive to odors. When the dog's perception of smell up the molecular level, such as when the inner one cubic centimeter contains 9000 butyric acid molecule, it can smell, concentrated sulfuric acid diluted 1000 times, dogs can still smell. Dissolved in 500 kg of water 1 tsp salt, or in 500 kg of water add 1 tablespoon of acetic acid, it can also sniff. The second is the ability to distinguish odors. Ability to identify substances dog smell quite strong, trained dogs can distinguish whether the acid present in very similar propionic acid, acetic acid, suet mixture of keto acids, etc., and can distinguish between two million kinds of different concentrations of odor.
Yours sincerely
Lee Chi Ho