Please sign and share this petition worldwide as we implore all shelters through the no-kill network and the no-kill advocacy center to have a clear and transparent meaning of what a no-kill facility really is. Most people choose to take an animal to a no-kill shelter with the belief that it is not euthanized and kept until finding an appropriate home, which is not always the case. There needs to be one true meaning of the term that is abided by all shelters with the title of no-kill.
There has been some recent controversy regarding the true meaning of what a real no-kill shelter really is; what does the term truly mean. Very few shelters abides by what we would all consider to be a no-kill shelter, one that guarantees a home to every adoptable dog or cat. However, this is not the case with every facility. Obviously, the no-kill movement has provided for a lesser number of animals being euthanized. But it is not 100 percent foolproof and true in every situation; every no-kill shelter.
Some shelters may have to euthanize a dog due to poor health or an aggressive nature, making it an animal that cannot be adopted out. Some shelters are allowed to euthanize a percentage of their animals, still keeping their title as a no-kill facility. Sounds like a double-standard. It is true that too many animals are in need of homes and end up at shelters, creating a huge population of unwanted animals. Shelters are allowed to euthanize up to 10 percent of their animals for various documented reasons and still carry the title of a no-kill facility.
It appears that warmer states and areas have larger issues with unwanted animals, causing a larger need for euthanization while colder northern areas can abide closer by the no-kill movement. However, no-kill should have the same transparent meaning and stipulations nation and worldwide. We are asking officials of the and to re-evaluate the no-kill policies and make them more transparent so we all understand the true meaning when it comes to the health, happiness and adoptability of animals and any shelter facility. Help us in this huge effort by signing and sharing this petition on all your media sites. You can also research and
Officials of the No-kill Network and No-kill Advocacy Center - There appears to be great controversy as to what a no-kill shelter really means. People automatically believe that when labeled no-kill, none of the animals are euthanized and all guaranteed adoptable. As it turns out, the title has different meanings for different facilities. You need to implement a true and transparent regulation that clearly means the same thing to each and every facility that helps animals to possibly find new and loving homes. The definition and rules of "no-kill" must be apparent to all shelters, shelter staff and any clients looking for a pet; and it should mean the same for all without contingencies. The rules and regulations for all no-kill facilities needs to be the same for all nation and worldwide.
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