Jun 25 at 11:00am to Jul 27 at 11:00am
WORLD CLOCK CONVERTER: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
35000 elephants and 1000 rhino were poached in 2013 (by conservative estimates). 36000 souls lost to greed and indifference. In memory of Satao, Mountain Bull and all the others.
Do we not OWE them 36000 tweets? One for every soul lost? If 600 of us tweet every minute for ONE hour, we will send a message to those with the power to save them.
The United Nations is holding an Environmental Assembly in Nairobi beginning a week from now. Three hours after a cocktail reception on Thursday the 26th of June will be set aside to discuss Wildlife Trafficking – the time slot that many would ‘blow off’. They have a ‘side event’ on Tuesday the 24th.
On Wednesday the 25th we need to make our voices heard in solidarity. Let’s give them an hour, at the very least.
We will also be including the US Congress. They too have the power to alter the fate of these iconic species.
a) CITES has failed in its current form. Demand the UN give it an overhaul or better yet, call for the formation of a UN governing body to oversee the world’s non human animals.
b) Implore member nations to recognize wildlife trafficking offenses as serious crimes as stated by the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and be prosecuted as such.
c) Ivory funded terrorism and needs to addressed by the Security Council
d) Ivory funded terrorism should be taken more seriously by Congress
e) Have congress extend ivory import ban extended from just Tanzania and Zimbabwe to all countries and make it permanent
f) Have lions listed as endangered
g) Australian MP has called for a ban on all trophy imports of any species listed on CITES regardless of Appendix status. EU is poised to ban the import of canned lion trophies. Implore Congress to adopt both of these measures.
PET►1 http://www.avaaz.org/en/save_the_elephants/
PET►2 http://www.bloodyivory.org/petition
PET►3 http://bit.ly/RHVnKy
PET►4 http://chn.ge/RHVqpI
PET►5 http://bit.ly/MgpuGn
PET►6 http://bit.ly/1jysfwa
PET►7 http://greatergood.me/SiWAbZ
PET►8 http://bit.ly/1nyUh2H
PET►9 http://bit.ly/RHVINc
PET.1 http://www.avaaz.org/en/save_rhinos/
►PET.2 http://chn.ge/1gRqa0z
►PET.3 http://chn.ge/1oRPu7x
►PET.4 http://bit.ly/1tRq12n
►PET.5 http://bit.ly/1nWnd0i
►PET.6 http://bit.ly/1wnSKhx
►PET.7 http://bit.ly/1gnW3eO
►PET.8 http://chn.ge/1m1S1ik
►PET.9 http://chn.ge/1nWnlgh
►PET.10 http://chn.ge/1oLyzFY
►PET.11 http://chn.ge/1nDQM8S
►PET.12 http://chn.ge/1ovmYwW
►PET.13 http://bit.ly/1gBPb2p
►PET.14 http://bit.ly/1nXc9AS
►PET.15 http://bit.ly/1kosJrX
►PET.16 http://bit.ly/1dXbexe
►PET.17 http://bit.ly/1mHrjtR
►PET.18 http://bit.ly/1mHrnK6
►PET.19 http://bit.ly/1pzjtDk
►PET.20 http://bit.ly/1h5UMMT
►PET.21 http://bit.ly/1msHSbm
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