Dear Governor
I, the undersigned, noticed that the symbol of your town of Mombasa, which is one of the most beautiful towns of the world, will not be perceived and welcomed with sympathy by many people.
Unfortunately, it is likely that Mombasa is the only town represented by a body part of an animal in the world.
In my opinion, Mombasa Tusks, an ivory landmark, is a wrong choice today because poaching elephants is illegal and ivory always resembles poaching of elephants and rhinos, even though they have historical importance. Many pepople in the world believe that love and pursuit of ivory caused endless troubles in the past.
Ivory is becoming an object of hatred all around the world and its trade is banned in many countries.
I believe, such an object does not befit your country and your continent, too, because we know well how your people fight against poaching and die in Africa. It is hard to discourage people against something while maintaining another thing that encourages them.
This may also form a legal ground for arrested and litigated poachers alleging that they are proud of their deeds as a tradition already exhibited in the form of a landmark.
I request that Mombasa Tusks, Mombasa’s symbol of ivory, is discussed in the next provincial general meeting in order to be removed and replaced with gigantic rhino or elephant statues where people will know and love these animals instead of taking photographs at the symbols of their illegally removed body parts.
I believe tourists and environmentalists, and, of course, lovers of your wildlife, will applaud this decision.
Thank you