Mike VI is the latest live tiger mascot for the Fighting Tigers of Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge. He is a 10-year-old, 450-pound male Bengal/Siberian mix who lives alone in a 15,000-square-foot enclosure near Tiger Stadium. Although it is described as state of the art, the space is nowhere near enough for a tiger, the biggest feline on the planet.
The focus of Mike's existence at LSU is to ride around the stadium in his little wheeled cage with cheerleaders on top before home games, and to be parked outside the opponents' locker room so he can intimidate them as they walk by. The first LSU home game scheduled for Sept. 5 was postponed, but Mike will be "invited" to enter his little trailer before upcoming home games.
The university goes to great pains to state that Mike is never "forced" into his wheeled cage, and in fact he refused to enter his trailer during the entire 2014 football season. Doesn't that tell you Mike does not enjoy being put on display in a tiny cage?
Please tell LSU President F. King Alexander and Director of Athletics Joe Alleva that Mike deserves a better life in a sanctuary, where he could interact with other tigers and not have to perform for his dinner.
Dear LSU President F. Alexander King and Director of Athletics Joe Alleva,
We are disturbed by the lonely and unnatural life of Mike VI, the Bengal/Siberian tiger mascot of your school. Please release Mike from his life of solitary confinement, alternating with being confined in a small wheeled cage and put on display for athletic events. Mike would have a much happier life in a sanctuary, possibly with other tigers, where he would not have to perform for his dinner. Why not just get some footage of Mike roaring and play that on the big screens in Tiger Stadium, and let him live his life privately and with dignity?
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