A Police Sgt of the Ardmore Oklahoma Police Dept is accused of "trying"(?) to poison dogs and cats in his neighborhood by filling a Cool Whip container with poison and leaving it outside for the animals to drink. A complaint was filed by a concerned neighbor claiming Antwine had poisoned at least 6 dogs
Currently Sgt Barry Antwine faces a "misdemeanor" charge after prosecutors accused him of attempting to poison dogs in his neighborhood. (?)
Sgt. Barry Antwine was charged Wednesday with sitting out poison for domestic animals to drink. According to court records, Antwine is accused of putting ethylene glycol which is a compound found in Anti-freeze and brake fluid in a Cool Whip container outside his home.
Ardmore Police Chief Ken Grace says Antwine is on administrative leave until the case is resolved. Grace says the case was investigated by the district attorney's office because it involved a member of the police department. However,...We the People believe Sgt Antwine should be charged with at least 6 Criminal Felony Animal Cruelty charges and immediately fired from his position and prevented from working in law enforcement again. He not only caused the death of 6 or more dogs, but put the children in his neighborhood at risk.
Sgt Barry Antwine...a "Danger to Society" is due in court June 11th.