These 2 cats are merely an example of how cruelty is displayed by antifreeze poisoning of cats that are deemed unwanted or bothersome by some animal hating individuals, the family of Tigger and Symba have saught help from local police and authorities to help them find out who has commited this unspeakable crime but have been disregarded as they are merely animals not much loved family members. Poisoning by antifreeze is all too common in disposing of cats as it is sweet and attractive to them. But after a few days of excruciating pain and suffering they die.
Please help us put an end of this barbaric act by making sure that the culprits are found and duely punished not for Tigger and Symba's sakes but for all those innocent cats that have already been murdered and those many many more to come.
Dear Mr. Wright,
As you embark on your 2015 election you have stated that you will be supporting animal rights and i quote "we are a nation of animal lovers, we have a well deserved international reputation for compassion for animals, and we have a strong and abiding hatred for cruelty" 2 cats 'Tigger' and 'Symba' of the Hudson family of woodside Telford of which you are responsible for have been poisoned by antifreeze in their own neighborhood, after many days of excruciating and unbearable pain they died. It has been noted that this is not the first incident of it's kind in Telford, yet the local authorities have not been delegent in their efforts to investigate such barbaric behavior of some of the residents against the families of theis innocent creatures. No culprits have been presented to justice as no real investigation has been performed, with the notion that they are 'merely' animals after all.
As an animal advocate yourself, you can appreciate the severity of the situation and the distress it causes many families in Telford, as they see these crimes go unpunished and recieving no attention at all. Please try and understand the notion that these animals are not merely pets but active and much loved family members and valued dearly. To see their deaths means nothing at all is nothing less than devestating.
Thus i beseach you, nay, urge you to take this matter to heart and grant these members of your community the justice they deserve, and excersice some laws that hold those responsible accountable for their barbaric and inexcusable crimes.
Thank you and kindest regards,
The Hudsons and many families in Your community Telford
Update #19 years ago
Hi everyone, thank you so much for signing on behalf of Tigger & Symba, we have 1 month left before we close this petition in time to send it to deliver the justice we need for these 2 amazing souls.
You have already done so much, but please share again and urge your friends to share in turn, we still have a long way to go, but with you by our side we'll get there!