Many animals are protected under law in the European Union and are 'granted' 5 fundamental rights:
1. Freedom from hunger and thirst
2. Freedom from discomfort
3. Freedom from pain, injury and disease
4. Freedom to express normal behaviour
5. Freedom from fear and distress
Evidence shows that animals slaughtered without being stunned experience excessive trauma, fear and pain and therefore points 2, 3 and 5 are routinely breached in Halal and Kosher slaughter houses. It is not acceptable in a civilised world to allow such primitive abuses to continue unchallenged and therefore I call upon Czesław Adam SIEKIERSKI (Chair) and all members of the European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development to make a bold stand for the rights of sentient beings and to outlaw non-stun slaughter in EU countries and their 3rd tier suppliers.
Have any doubts? Please watch the first video:
Dear Czesław Adam SIEKIERSKI and committee members. Please use the position of trust that you have been granted and discharge your accountability for animal welfare in a meaningful way by debating and implementing improvements to the way that millions of animals are killed without any form of pain relief every day in disgusting and barbaric ways for no reason other than an archaic belief system and medieval tradition. If you have any doubts, please watch this short film.
Update #28 years ago
This has gained momentum and on advice I've extended the deadline so we might actually be able to reach the milestone 100k signatures. At that point the EU Parl. has to consider the issue for debate, rather than 'just' reading it. Please keep the momentum driving by sharing with everyone you know who cares. Animals have no voice, but they have rights laid out in law and no-stun slaughter breeches those (watch video at end of petition if you have any doubts!). Thank you all so much! Geoff
Update #18 years ago
After soooo many messages from signatories I was persuaded to extend the deadline as 10k sigs are needed for the EU bods to read the petition-otherwise all those signatures will have been 'wasted'. So extended for 30 days-please please share with everyone who has a heart. Thanks, Geoff