While the pitbull breed has always been labeled a "dangerous" breed, the problem stems from people who breed to fight and uneducated owners and citizens. Nobody has the right to play God and take away a beloved family member. We must stand up and fight for this breed, we must be their voice. I am not direct connected to the cause, because I live in Texas, however, I own a pitbull mix and I know the love, loyalty and compassion that this breed exudes; she is taught to love and is given love in return. My goal is to be heard, to support those in Montreal that are subject to this ban, and to hopefully save and protect the breed from inhumane slaughter.
This is a short excerpt from the news article released :
Montreal city officials face backlash after passing a controversial piece of legislation that bans new ownership of pit bulls.
The breed-specific legislation is a result of a 37-23 vote.
The legislation could take effect for Montreal’s 19 boroughs as early as Oct. 3, according to spokeswoman for the Montreal SPCA.
The matter became a priority in June, when resident Christine Vadnais, 55, was mauled to death in her own home by her neighbor’s pit bull.
My prayers go out to the family of Christine. We need to educate the public, and seek justice for the breed.