URGENT: Keep Mr Meats Halal Abattoir Shut Forever!

  • by: Omri Hussain
  • recipient: Birmingham City Council (UK) /RSPCA

For almost six years Birmingham City Council received a record amount of complaints about the unbearable stench coming from Mr Meats Digbeth, Birmingham HALAL abattoir but did NOTHING. Why? Because it thought it would upset Muslims if this issue attracted media attention, or if Muslims kicked up a stink (pun intended) and cried 'Islamaphobia!"


For six years British livestock were sent to this hell on earth to suffer a slow and painful death. Everywhere in this abattoir rotting animal flesh was piled sky high. If this abattoir didn't comply with basic hygiene regulations, then it definitely did not comply with basic humane animal welfare regulations.

Birmingham City Council could have saved millions of British livestock from being tortured and skinned alive but it didn't. In the end it was the Food Standards Agency who finally closed down this hell on earth.

Now I want Birmingham City Council not only to be held accountable for betraying these animals, but it must take away Mr Meats license. These evil and twisted people must never have accesss to British livestock ever again.

This petition will also be forwarded to RSPCA (Royal Society For The Prevention of Cruelty To Animals). I urge them to prosecute Mr Meats Halal abattoir for animal cruelty. I want them to do everything in their power to keep this slaughterhouse closed forever.

Dear Sir/Madam

I wish to lodge a formal complaint of gross incompetence by the FSA. 

For six years the FSA knew that Mr Meats Wholesale Ltd, 33-48 Charles Henry Street, Birmingham, B12 OSD were failing to meet the strict standards of animal welfare and hygiene required by law, but did nothing to close down this horrific abattoir.  For years the locals complained of the unbearable stentch coming from this abattoir.  For years the FSA did nothing.

It was obvious this abattoir was filthy and also failing to comply with the Animal Welfare Act.  A slaughterhouse is a horrific experience for any animal, but the ordeal of these poor sheep was made even worse by the stench and filth lying everywhere in the backyard of this abattoir.  It is obvious sheep were processed in very unhygienic conditions.

Why did these catastrophic failings continue for so long?  I urge you to launch an investigation.  I will be referring the whole matter to the ombudsman department if you fail to launch an investigation.

Also I urge you to revoke Mr Meat Wholesale Ltd's license permanently.  These people must never have acccess to British livestock again.  They have proven beyond doubt that they are unfit to operate an abattoir under the Animal Welfare Act.

They must never be allowed to open a halal abattoir anywhere in this country.  There is a huge cultural gap between how we and Muslims treat animals.  Halal meat is cruel and out-dated.  Most Muslims come from a culture where animal 'welfare' is still centuries behind.

I look forward to your comments.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Omri Hussain 

Update #58 years ago
The Foods Standards Agency's Chief Executive has just delivered her pathetic conclusions regarding the appalling conditions at this abattoir. Ms. Chatherine Brown Stated; 'I have found minor failings which have had little overall impact on the actions taken by the FSA to address any legal contraventions at this plant'. The whole matter has now been referred to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. I need answers.
Update #49 years ago
There has been a major new development in my campaign. Please see my new petition for further details. https://www.change.org/p/uk-strip-halal-monitoring-committee-uk-of-its-charity-status Mr Meats (Halal) Wholesale Ltd is a member of the Halal Monitoring Committee UK. This meant that HMC UK inspectors were present in this abattoir to ensure strict hygiene laws were being followed. Why didn't the HMC UK do its job?
Update #39 years ago
The Food Standards Agency delivered its disappointing verdict regarding its failings. The matter will now be referred to the Chief Executive. I will outline the FSA failed to live up to its service standards, and did not apply the proper and right procedure. This halal company was not fined or taken to court by the FSA. The FSA and this company were quite clearly in breach of the Animal Welfare Act 2006. On a more positive note, this abattoir remains closed until all issues are resolved.
Update #29 years ago
URGENT. As a direct result of this petition FSA has launched an investigation. I beg my supporters to email the FSA Complaints Co-ordinator, veronica.martell@foodstandards.gsi.gov.uk. We have 20 days to persuade her not to reissue Mr Meats Wholesale Ltd, Digbeth, Birmingham abattoir licence. (Now re-named Central Meat Company). Thanks.
Update #19 years ago
Thank you. Birmingham City Council contacted me today. He informed me it was the Foods Standards Agency (FSA) who were responsible for this tragedy. Vets from the FSA were present in this abattoir. I have urgently contacted the FSA Complaints Co-Ordinator. I have urged him/her to revoke Mr Meats Halal Wholesale Ltd's license permanently. The whole issue will be referred to the ombudsman department if he/she fails to launch an enquiry.
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