Japanese Whaling is active hunting of large oceanic mammals is estimated to have started around the 12th century. Japan was heavily involved in commercial whaling. Japanese whaling began around the 1890’s when japan began to participate in the modern whaling industry in which many countries participated.
Each year, the Japanese whaling fleet leaves harbor on its "scientific" mission. The goal: Kill close to 1,000 whales in the Southern Ocean for "research." But the truth is, there isn't much scientific research happening during these current operations. The Whaling fleet in Japan starts late December and they plan to hunt of three consecutive months. Australia has been a vocal opponent of dubious whaling operations.
Whaling in the north pacific proving much more importance to japan. In the last 2 seasons they have slaughtered 550 whales; in the southern oceans is it much less with only 350 whale taken.Japan canceled its controversial scientific whale hunt in Antarctica in response to Now, however, Japan’s Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR) says it plans to resume research whaling in the region next year, with a program that is “in accord” with the court’s ruling. But ICR’s move could be just a legal maneuver, some observers say.
Japan is an island nation surrounded by the sea, so taking some good protein from the ocean is very important. For food security, I think it’s very important,” he said. “We have never said everybody should eat whale, but we have a long tradition and culture of whaling. So why don’t we at least agree to disagree? We have this culture and you don’t have that culture.
Fisheries Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi states that there is going to be no stop with this slaughter of Whales and Dolphins in the upcoming years there will be no more oceanic mammals for put lovely children, let’s put a foot down and come together and put a STOP to Whaling once and for all.