Petition to Repeal Breed Specific Dog Laws in Aurora, CO

  • by: The Piccone Law Firm, LLC
  • recipient: Aurora City Council: Steve Hogan, Sally Mounier, Renie Peterson, Marsha Berzins, Molly Markert, Bob Roth, Bob Broom, Barbara Cleland, Brad Pierce, Debi Hunter Holen, and Bob LeGare

Aurora, CO enacted breed specific laws in 2005, which banned 10 breeds of what Aurora deemed to be "fighting dogs." In 2011, all but 3 "pit bull" breeds were removed from the banned breed list. The Aurora City Council is currently considering whether to repeal its "pit bull" ban. Scientific studies prove that breed bans do not improve public safety or reduce the number or severity of dog bites where they are implemented. The citizens of the City of Aurora demand that our City Council vote to repeal Ordinance 14-75. In its place, we urge the city council to implement breed neutral dangerous dog laws similar to the ordinance implemented in Englewood, CO. 

Please state if you live in Aurora, shop in Aurora, have a doctor in Aurora or have any affiliation with Aurora, CO. Thank you! This petition will be delivered Monday, February 24, 2014.

We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to vote to repeal Aurora Ordinance 14-75 "Illegal Keeping of Pit Bulls."

Update #111 years ago
Thank you again for signing this petition to Aurora City Council Members to repeal Breed Specific Legislation. Please forward to anyone who lives in Aurora, CO, who does any sort of business in Aurora, CO, or who doesn't do business in Aurora, CO because of this ban. We appreciate your help to get as many signatures as possible to save these innocent animals lives!
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