Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to stop the trading, smuggling and abusing of elephants throughout Asia. They take the young elephants and treat them brutally so they can become tame for entertainment purposes of domestic tourists. Animals throughout Asia face undue treatment and abuse because of the monetary gain of the handlers; visitors and tourists are not aware of the cruelty these young elephants endure for sheer pleasure.
Thai authorities have been clamping down on many of these elephant abusers in Asia in an attempt to curb the abuse and trading of elephants from Myanmar. wild elephants continue to be trapped as smugglers believe the crackdown will end. "We have information that dealers on the Myanmar side of the border are holding elephants, waiting for enforcement vigilance to be relaxed," stated a spokesperson against these practices. "Wildlife in Myanmar is being completely hammered, by habitat loss but also by the trade. Borders are extremely porous, wildlife is being taken across all the time."
Training of the animals is particularly cruel and the young elephants are then herded into pit traps where often times older animals are shot. "The young calves are put in small log boxes and just beaten into submission. They are a bit like a light switch - you take a wild elephant and beat it long enough and suddenly the switch goes off and you have a tame elephant. The welfare implications are horrendous; it is a cruel business." Elephant populations are being sharply depleted throughout South East Asia because of these abusive practices.
In addition to banning the illegal trade of ivory, officials need to also clamp down on the trading, smuggling and abusing elephants for tourists pleasure and monetary gain. Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to stop the trading, smuggling and abusing of elephants throughout Asia. They take the young elephants and treat them brutally so they can become tame for entertainment purposes of domestic tourists. Animals throughout Asia face undue treatment and abuse because of the monetary gain of the handlers; visitors and tourists are not aware of the cruelty these young elephants endure for sheer pleasure.
Asian International Trade in Endangered Species /Asian Government Officials - As you have set restrictions regarding ivory sales and trading, you need to implement strict laws and regulations throughout your entire country against elephant abuse, smuggling and trading. It is appalling that you allow these gorgeous creatures to live in pits, beating and abuse the elephants so that they can be tame for entertainment purposes for tourists. If more of these visitors were aware of what the animals have to endure for their pleasure, it would not be acceptable; and it is not. This is a cruel business that subjects so many of these young animals to live an unjust life while the elders are killed for no apparent reason. Stop the elephant smuggling, trading, abuse and cruelty; let them live naturally in their own habitats and prosecute anyone who is guilty of any of these practices!
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