Please sign and share this petition everywhere to encourage the entire state of Arizona to put a plan into place similar to that of the Pima Alliance for Animal Welfare and Pima Animal Care Center to reduce the feral and homeless animal population.
Some animal organizations in the Tucson area is implementing a program to curb the homeless and feral animal population, especially felines, along with the help of the Pima Alliance for Animal Welfare (PAAW). Although this is beneficial for the Tucson locations, it is something to consider statewide so that the number of homeless animals can be significantly reduced, subjecting many of them to euthanasia.
PAAW began a campaign that is currently known as the “community cat” program that will trap free-roaming local cats, and spay and neuter them. Once they’ve had their surgeries, the cats will be returned back to where they were trapped so they can continue to roam free. The program has an ambitious goal of trapping and releasing more than 1,000 cats per month. That effort is expected to make a significant impact on controlling crowding among the cat population in local shelters, since one fertile cat can have three litters a year, with four to six kittens in a litter.
Some other plans they are considering, aside from an education campaign and the community cat program that could work statewide is:
- Embedding animal welfare into existing social service programs like Meals on Wheels and Infer-faith Community Services to help people who are struggling to take care of their pets for economic and health reasons
- Holding a massive annual community adoption event with representation from all the shelter and rescue organizations
- Find pet-friendly rental homes and apartments for pet owners
- Finding affordable ways they can pay for their pet’s medical expenses
These are all wonderful efforts in helping to control the feral, homeless pet population in Tucson; something that would be beneficial throughout all of the state of Arizona. We need to encourage State Officials and PAAW to spread their efforts beyond Tucson. Please sign and share this petition everywhere to encourage the entire state of Arizona to put a plan into place similar to that of the Pima Alliance for Animal Welfare and Pima Animal Care Center to reduce the feral and homeless animal population.
Arizona State Legislators, Animal Control and PAAW – It is wonderful what you are doing for feral, homeless animals in the Tucson area, also helping local pet owners. Please consider spreading your efforts and assistance statewide so that the entire state of Arizona protects and cares for displaced animals with similar programs. Pet owners deserve to keep their animals and all these creatures without a voice need help and support from you in order to survive. Please spread your efforts, programs and plans far beyond Tucson and help them all through your entire state. Thank you for your considerations and all the wonderful work of the PAAW. These animals need all of us to band together to keep them healthy, happy and protected statewide.