During the 40 plus years that I have driven along the country roads of the United Kingdom I had NEVER seen a road kill badger, that is until the last few years, now I see them practically every day, on one such journey I saw 6, on a 21 mile journey, on close examination it soon became apparent that not one of them had been hit by a vehicle. These animals had been killed elsewhere and placed at the side of the road to make it appear so.
i feel sure that the reason they are placed this way is twofold, to avoid prosecution and as a signal to like minded people that another badger has been killed.
it is bad enough that the Goverment is killing OUR wildlife without others possibly/probably farmers illegally killing these beautiful creatures. This. Country will soon be devoid of wildlife, hedgehogs we are told will be extinct in this country within the next 15 years, the brook that runs alongside my garden used to be home to water voles, not any longer.
please do not let the indiscriminate killing of badgers continue.