April 14, 2017 began like a normal day in Rural Shade, Texas, a tiny community in Navarro County, Texas, for Kyle Combs and his son, Steven "Trinity" Combs. Kyle went to work, Trinity to school, and nothing seemed out the ordinary.
Kyle and his parents, who live nearby, own or lease several pastures in that area. Kyle & Trinity's dogs, Ella Posey, Apollo and Belle have run of the place, keeping predators away from cattle and other livestock and keeping an eye on their house. Unfortunately, something much more evil than wild hogs or coyotes was lurking as well.
On the evening on April 14, 2017, Preston Drew Conger was out riding the roads with a friend of his, when he saw the dogs running across the pasture. He asked his friend who was driving to stop the truck, because he was "gonna shoot those dogs". The friend complied. Conger then allegedly walked up to Ella Posey, a sweet, shy heeler mix who was wagging her tail at him, and shot her in the head. She died instantly. Belle, a lab mix who had survived snake bites and other mishaps, was shot in the leg, and may survive, but her recovery is long and painful. Apollo, Trinity's pit bull, is missing and presumed dead. Kyle, Trinity and their friends searched for him all Easter weekend with no luck, and he still isn't home. Conger was arrested and the police allowed Trinity to approach him while he sat in the back of the squad car. Trinity, who had been crying, asked him why he'd shot his dogs....and this subhuman monster said to a sweet 15 year old boy, who had been crying, "What are you going to do about it?"
This isn't a "one-time incident". Conger has a list of arrests dating back to 2014 for things such as theft of a firearm, criminal mischief, simple assault and assault of a public servant. He was on probation for assault of a public servant when he allegedly murdered these sweet dogs. He is currently in Navarro County jail, awaiting his probation revocation hearing that will presumably send him BACK to Texas Department of Corrections.
This petition isn't asking for his arrest, as thankfully that has been addressed,but rather we are asking the District Attorney to see the maximum penalty for every charge brought in this case, as well as the probation revocation, in CONSECUTIVE SENTENCES. In addition, we would like to make sure that Conger is never allowed to own an animal, of any sort, for the rest of his life. It's scientific fact that someone who will torture/kill an animal is more likely to torture or kill a human. Dahmer, Son of Sam (Berkowitz), The Boston Strangler (deSalvo), Malvo, Bundy, BTK Killer and many others are known to have participated in animal cruelty. The only way to prevent more animals, and possibly humans, from dying at the ends of this psychopath is to take away his freedom and access to animals, for as long as possible.
Because of this, we, the undersigned, are asking for the maximum penalties on all three pending felonies and the misdemeanor animal cruelty charge. We also respectfully request that Conger is not ever allowed to own or be around animals of any sort. Thank you for your attention to this.
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