Justice for the Brutally Murdered Kangaroo
- by: Jamil A
- recipient: Victoria Department of Environment Land Water and Planning
"Just face it, that’s your fate. Let me finish this as quickly as I can." Those were the last words a kangaroo heard before a 43-year old man walked up to it and sliced its throat.
It was all caught on video last month and spread like wildfire throughout social media. In the disgusting video you can see a man walk up to an injured kangaroo with an enormous knife, grab its tail and whale on its through until it finally bleeds to death from the injuries and pain.
In the Australian state of Victoria, where the horrible act of cruelty took place, native wildlife are protected under the Wildlife Act of 1975. Those who kill animals such as kangaroo can face sentences of up to two years in jail and monetary penalties of up thousands of dollars.
We must make an example of animal abusers so that these types of crimes don’t continue to happen.
Luckily, officials have already found the alleged culprit and have charged him for the abhorrent crimes, but we can’t just hope justice is done. We must demand it. Let's tell Victoria’s Department of Environment Land Water and Planning that we support their efforts to convict the man for this terrible crime and make sure he is brought to justice.
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