China's International Relations are greatly suffering and it's economy will be experiencing a continual and rapid decline due to less and less tourism and purchases of products made in China because of it's lack of action against animal cruelty. Many of the uneducated fabrications that this meat is somehow "medicinal" or that it's "tradition" is also proving to make foreigners concerned that China has no regard for facts and truth and continue to immorally, barbarically torture innocent beings in the name of wives tales, folk lore fantasy and witchery.
We all share a planet, regardless of the country. The majority of the citizens on this planet are extremely opposed to immoral dog and cat abuse, torture, cruelty, neglect and/or slaughter. The governments and citizens that support or accept these hellish acts of cruelty are coming under more and more scrutiny and their countries are being shunned as tourist destinations and their products being deemed unworthy of purchase.
This cruel and ignorant practice is also a breeding ground for sadistic violence and criminals. Many of the dog and cat thieves, transporters and butchers have been documented laughing as they torture and kill millions annually. This type of behavior has been researched and proven to be a sign of mental illness such as sociopathy or psychopathy as well as violent and criminal behavior. Not to mention, an untold amount of these animals are beloved pets with collars still on, stolen companions taken to the hell of a slaughterhouse leaving their human owners mourning.
There are no more excuses for continuing this holocaust of companion animals. Numerous alternatives for "dietary needs" exist and are readily available. Dog and cat meat is not a necessity and involves gang activity, including theft and violence against humans as well as the animals. The extent of crimes by people involved in this trade or by the associated gangs is not completely known but will surely be revealed, only bringing more criticism and disapproval to the country and economy.
The world is more connected than ever and not only can these atrocities no longer be hidden, but they can no longer be tolerated. Dogs and cats are domesticated to be companion animals, not to be tormented.
The United States has recently made animal cruelty a top tier felony for many important reasons: it is disastrous to society, leads to and reveals violence, murder, kidnapping, crimes of all sorts and is to be taken very seriously.
The citizens of the world are asking for:
1.) Animal cruelty to be made a severely punishable crime.
2.) Chinese police no longer supporting or defending dog and cat butchers, thieves, and transporters as witnessed in many videos, accounts and photos.
3.) Dog and cat meat and liquids to be banned.
4.) All dog and cat slaughterhouses, markets and vendors to be shut down immediately.
5.) The citizens of China to be given the truth that dog and cat meat or liquids do not improve health in any way or cure any illness, disease or ailment and that animal cruelty and it's acceptance leads to violence in society among humans.
6.) All dog and cat meat and liquids to be removed from all menus and forbidden to ever return.
7.) Make the theft of any dog or cat, whether inside or outside a home or building, owned, stray or wild for intended or accidental cruelty, abuse or neglect a severely punishable crime.
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