We brought our Doberman to Dr. Muchemi to help her deliver her puppies as she wasn't pushing them out after her water broke. Dr. Muchemi performed a C-section and was supposed to spay our dog, but he not only did an incomplete spay he also did not properly tie the sutures. The sutures tore open and our Doberman was hemorrhaging. We took her back to Dr. Muchemi three times the day after the procedures. He was cold and continued to send our dog back home with us. We had no choice but to take our dog to a 24 hour vet. After 2 blood and 2 plasma transfusions she finally started clotting. The emergency vet said that only 5% of her blood was still pumping throughout her body. After three days at the emergency vet we were able to bring her home. Two weeks later she was having a difficult time using the bathroom and started throwing up feces. We took her to another vet and discovered that Dr. Muchemi had not correctly replaced the organs after the procedures. The bladder and uterus (which should have been removed during the spaying procedure) were put back incorrectly and the intestines were entangled and torn. The new vet we took her to had to remove a large portion of rotten intestines and sew together what was left of the intestines in an attempt to save our dog. She did not survive the night after the surgery to remove the intestines and we lost 3 of her 8 puppies because they could not be with their mother. Our Doberman was only 2. When we confronted Dr. Muchemi after our dog died he mocked us and laughed saying that his malpractice insurance lawyers would handle it. Our main goal is to shut him down so that he cannot do this to any more families.