Seek Justice for dog who dies after being tossed down Brooklyn trash chute by owner

  • by: Leslie Medina
  • recipient: Office of the Richmond County District Attorney

An elderly woman was released after admitting to throwing her dog in a trash chute. “He made me miserable, I have pain,” as stated by the elderly woman. As a result of her actions, the dog was crushed in a trash compactor. Because of its injurites, it died. She should face jail time and fines, regardless of whether or not she is an elderly woman. If the dog was too much for her to handle, she could have given him up to a shelter. Instead the dog suffered a painful death.

Voice your opinion and get those calls in to help our cause:

Office of the Richmond County District Attorney
130 Stuyvesant Place, 7th Floor
Staten Island, NY 10301

(718) 876-6300

Full Story:


Update #410 years ago
Although the frustration is setting in, I will not give up. i have reached out to some organizations who might be able to help. I will continue to call. This case and every other needs to be resolved, not just swept under the rug because some deem it to be of little or no importance because it involves a non-human. Every life counts Thank you all for continuing to share this page. We are approaching the 3000 mark. Lets keep it going and shoot for 5000!
Update #310 years ago
Not that I expected this process to be easy but I've been met with some resistance in trying to bring attention to this story. I've been in contact with the Precinct involved with the case but have not been getting much help. I also just spoke with a representative from the DA's office and requesting assistance on this and waiting for another response from my last message.
Update #210 years ago
I've been in contact with both the DA's office and the PD. While things are getting worked out please do your part sharing this and getting those signatures. Lets keep it going strong.

I appreciate everyone who is backing this and those who see that this cannot be tolerated. NO EXCUSES. We need to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Animals are not property or objects to be discarded.
Update #110 years ago
I am waiting on a call from the DA's office. Thanks to everyone for signing. Lets keep the number of of petitioners growing.
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