Hundreds of thousands of newly hatched male chicks are killed on a daily basis using inhumane and cruel methods. Male chicks are considered useless since they do not lay eggs and need to be disposed off. One such method of disposable is the grinding up of the day old male chicks.
Yes, these chicks are alive when they go into the grinder. Sometimes they are shoved into garbage bags and suffocated to death as shown in video 1 and Video 2
Germany has announced that they will end chick grinding and have teamed up with scientists to determine the sex of the chick before hatching. Thank you, Germany!
Due to efforts of animal activists in France, French MPs have petitioned their Agriculture minister who promised to fund methods to scientifically reduced number of hatched male chicks to help poultry farmers
We must demand that the US Government to do the same, ban these inhumane methods. Insist they mandate US egg producers to adopt this cheap and efficient method to determine the sex of the chicks inside the embryo.
Let us add the United States of America as the next country to end the inhumane and cruel male chicks culling.
One country at a time :) Thank you!