Help Bring Back Futurama!!! We want Seasons 8, 9, and 10!!!!

  • by: Jo Hartung
  • recipient: T.V. Channels Capable of Airing the next Season of Futurama

Futurama was and IS a great T.V show!!! It was still going strong during season 7 but Comedy Central has sadly made the decision to stop airing new episodes.

The producers say they are willing to make more Futurama if they can find another channel to put the show on and that they have a lot more stories to tell including (but not limited to) the awesome and lovable characters of Fry, Bender, and Leela!!! Maybe if Comedy Central/ Adult Swim/ Netflix/ ANYBODY sees how much we love Futurama, they'll bring it back!!

If Futurama stays as funny (and at times, heart tugging) as it has been since the first episode, I wouldn't mind watching it for another 50 years! And I know many of you probably feel the same way. Help in the fight to save Futurama!!!

Please, share this in any way you can, contact Comedy Central/ Netflix/ Adult Swim and give your input and thoughts about what should become of the show!!! If they notice enough of us, they may change their minds!!!

To ANY T.V. channel producers reading this, we, the signers of this petition, are fans of the Futurama series wanting SOMEBODY to put the show back on air. We love Futurama for all it's jokes, stories, and characters and we hate to see it go. Futurama has been with some of us for all of our lives, and hence holds a place in many of our hearts.

We are giving our input on the decision to stop the production of any new shows and are hoping that you take them into consideration. The show was great from episode one and hasn't lost any of its charm since then. Bring the show back for the sake of the people who support T.V. stations like Comedy Central and Adult Swim, after all, putting it on air could only bring you more viewers!!!

Futurama was cancelled once before, and the reaction from the public is obviously the same this time around as it was the first. Futurama IS JUST THAT AWESOME and it's a shame that the show is having such a rough time. There are plenty of other petitions and social media pages supporting the idea of future episodes, this is just one of the many.

We love Futurama and can't bear to see it end just yet, Please, Bring it back!!!

Update #110 years ago
Hey Futurama Fans!!!
Thanks for taking the time to at least look at this petition!
If you want, you can follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook where we can join forces!
We can get to know each other while discussing different ways to bring Futurama back on air.
I have already posted several ways and links to sites that can help.

(Save Futurama 2014) Facebook:

(Save Futurama 2014) Twitter:

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