Denmark a shame for all human
It is because of the cruelty that human beings (civilized) kill hundreds of the famous and extremely intelligent dolphins. All this happens every year in Faroe Island in Denmark, massacre in which are involved mainly young people. Why???
To demonstrate that these same young people have reached an age of maturity "adult".
No one lack this customary celebration not to lose "fun".
All participate in one way or another, killing or watching cruelty and "supporting it as a spectator."
It is important to mention that the dolphin Calderon, like almost all other species of dolphins, approaching the man just to interact and play with it in a gesture of friendship.
So behave humans: eventually throw it all away violently and destructively to the greatest folly that nature allows.
They do not die instantly, they are penetrated repeatedly with sharp hooks, and those moments dolphins produce sounds very similar to those of a crying baby!!! ...
But suffer greatly and there is compassion while this docile be sleeds and owly blsuffers from wounds tremendous struggling to death on his own blood.
Finally, these heroes of the island, now sayings and doings normal adults,
already demonstrated its maturity !!!
Enough!!! ...
We should sign this petition and make all people aware until it is received by a protective association properly animals, not limit ourselves to read it because it would make us accomplices SPECTATORS.
Please end this massacre, dolphing have the right to leave and no one proves to be adult by killing, the only thing they prove is to be violent and show to have no feelings for the other, also prove that they are bad people able of the most violent acts towards innocents. All the world will know and will be watching you. Denmark with this shows tthey o have no respect or care for any living being. I hope for the good of all that this act of pure cruelty will be forbidden, it is up to you to stop this act of cruelty.