The process of hydraulic fracturing releases methane gas into the air. Methane holds 10x more energy than carbondioxide. Our weather is changing due to the increased methane that is released into the air through the hydrofracking process. More methane equals stronger storms. It can even cause earthquakes.
Another side effect from hydrofracking is that when the chemicals leak into the water systems, it kills animals in surrounding areas. It only takes a minute amount to pollute millions of gallons of water. It can even get into the drinking water supply for hundreds of people causing millions of dollars worth of damage. If a person drinks the polluted water they could get burned, cancers or it could be deadly.
Every time a well is drilled, it uses millions of gallons of water. The water is taken from places such as streams, rivers, and even community water supplies. They take so much that the water levels of streams drop so dramatical killing fish and other living things in it.
As a parent, I strongly believe this should be banned in New York State and in the United States all together. We need to think of our childrens future and their environment. Please sign and help protect the future of all living things and their environment.