Please sign and share this petition in an effort to support the federal government agencies in the prevention of fishermen from removing the fins from spiny dogfish prior to bringing them to shore. Why would they need to remove the fins until bringing in their catch? Often times, it appears they remove the fins while the fish are still alive which is clearly inhumane!
Federal regulators are making attempts to change the laws o interstate fishing so that fishermen would be banned from removing fins on the spiny dogfish prior to reaching shore in Portland, Oregon. In order to do so, this procedure would be done while the fish is still alive and is clearly abusive and inhumane. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission is proposing that the fishery laws be changed and enforced so that fins of the fish are intact until landing to shore. They say this is consistent with the Shark Conservation Act of 2010.
A current interstate agreement allows removal of the fins at sea as long as the dogfish’s carcass is retained. Currently, Maine, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida already require fins to remain naturally attached to the dogfish, which is a type of shark, through landing. It appears that those in Portland, Maine are violating this law already. We are making an effort to support the proposed law and changes that will be presented to the Spiny Dogfish Board this fall.
Let's support the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and stop the abusive act of removing fins on the spiny dogfish prior to reaching shore. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to support the federal government agencies in the prevention of fishermen from removing the fins from spiny dogfish prior to bringing them to shore. Why would they need to remove the fins until bringing in their catch? Often times, it appears they remove the fins while the fish are still alive which is clearly inhumane!
Federal Lawmakers in Portland, Maine - We are urging you to sign, pass and enforce the law that ensures fishermen will not be allowed to remove the fins of the spiny dogfish shark prior to bringing in the catch to shore. Currently, these fins were cut off as soon as the fish were brought on board, which is a cruel, inhumane practice. Do not allow this to happen any longer; we urge you to sign the law that prohibits the removal of fins from the spiny dogfish until landing on shore with the catch fully intact.