Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get this veterinary clinic worker permanently fired and the veterinary office held accountable for the witnessed and taped animal abuse of an uncooperative dog in the facility. Their excuse was because the dog had aggressive tendencies; aggressive dogs normally are the result of fear! There are other more humane ways of caring for a fearful dog than to hang it from the neck and toss it against the wall!! Teach your staff proper ways to handle an aggressive animal that is only acting out of fear and anxiety.
Ms. Stefanie Stasse was filmed on a cell phone video while she was swinging a dog by its neck and repeatedly slamming it against the wall. Other staff members claim that the dog was treated in this manner was because of its past aggressive behaviors. This poor dog is obviously terrified and its only way to defend itself is through some aggressive behavior. Slamming the animal against the wall and hanging it certainly does not ease its fears; it harms the dog physically, mentally and emotionally. This is indeed animal abuse and cruelty.
The veterinary facility originally fired this worker after the incident but staff there are making excuses, basically saying that this dog deserved the treatment it endured because of its history with aggressive tendencies. There is no excuse for treating any animal in abusive manners because of its behavior. The dog is scared and reacts through defensive manners. A professional in the veterinary field should know other proper methods of handling a dog that is scared, fearful and reacting aggressively.
The owner of the veterinary hospital, Dr. Mohammad Hassan, initially backed his staff member, saying she was beating the animal “because it had become too aggressive.” However, he then fired Stasse and stated that “There was no damage whatsoever to the dog there," and claimed that the video was “obviously stolen” and manipulated to edit out parts where Stasse had handled the dog in a more gentle manner. That compensates for the abuse it endured? He additionally stated that other staff members were hurt by the scared animal. Either way, it does not give anyone the right to abuse it! Teach your staff how to humanely handle an animal rather than abuse it!
Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get this veterinary clinic worker permanently fired and the veterinary office held accountable for the witnessed and taped animal abuse of an uncooperative dog in the facility. Their excuse was because the dog had aggressive tendencies; aggressive dogs normally are the result of fear! There are other more humane ways of caring for a fearful dog than to hang it from the neck and toss it against the wall!! Teach your staff proper ways to handle an aggressive animal that is only acting out of fear and anxiety.
Emergency Pet Hospital in Orlando, Florida - Not only should you have fired this particular worker, such practices should never have been tolerated! Such a person should not be allowed to work with another animal for the rest of her career! You need to screen your people better and train them how to handle a dog or any animal with an aggressive nature. These beings are not born this way; typically aggression is a sign of fear and anxiety. Cruel treatment will not help this poor animal. Find other humane methods of treating all animals in your care, monitoring all your staff so that you can ensure all patients in your facility are treated in a loving, caring humane manner.
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