Stop Australians unknowingly funding animal cruelty and terrorism by buying halal products!
- by: maria wilby
- recipient: The honourable speaker and members of the House of Representatives
Halal means "permissible " in Arabic. Islam commands Muslims to only eat halal meat- the animals are killed whilst fully conscious, they must not be stunned whilst their throat is slit. This happens in Australia every day, these terrified animals die in fear and agony, a cow slaughtered according to Islamic sharia law can take up to 20 minutes to die.
80% of Australian slaughterhouses are now paying up to $27,000 A MONTH to slaughter the Islamic halal way. Only Moslems are employed and Australians are losing their jobs to Islam! All business down this chain - transport, processing, packaging warehousing and retail shops MUST ALL PAY to be halal certified! the cost of this is passed onto YOU.
Every time you buy halal certified products you are not only PROMOTING ANIMAL CRUELTY, you are also funding "Islamic charities" that are known to fund terrorist groups.
When you go shopping, refuse to buy halal certified products and help end this unnecessary animal cruelty
Draws to the attention of the house: an Islamic religious fee has been imposed on a wide range of Australian food and products since the late 1980's. We the Australian people were not consulted, nor were we informed in a clear and transparent manner which products have been certified. This fee derives from Islamic sharia law. Australia does not recognise any other legal system, religious or secular. Because Islam is a total immersion legal, political, economic, social and military system of government that seeks to impose its system on ours, we the people must prevent our system being supplanted in any form. We therefore ask the house to: pass a law making it illegal to impose any religious certification fee, or label or logo on any Australian product by any religious organisation in Australia.
Update #19 years ago
Huge thanks to all who have already signed, the Australian senate is investigating halal certification, so the more signatures we get, the quicker we can send it off to them, and let them know, it is not just Australians who are disgusted at the cruelty, it is also a lot of people worldwide.
Lets get to 10,000 signatures and send it to the senate!
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