Dawn Dempsy and her boyfriend (as of writing this is un-named) need to be accountable for this horrific act on Riley.They both need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of Connecticut law.Court date is 10/31/12.
More info:http://www.jud2.ct.gov/crdockets/CaseDetail.aspx?source=Pending&Key=8acd01b1-680f-4720-b33e-11da404f3578
More info:http://www.examiner.com/article/connecticut-woman-arrested-after-sexual-attack-on-dog-results-death?CID=examiner_alerts_article
Waterbury police have arrested a woman whose beagle was put to sleep earlier this week from injuries that police said appeared to have been caused by sodomy.
Police said Dawn Dempsey, 38, of Royal Oak Drive, brought her dog, Riley, to Mattatuck Animal Hospital on Monday and brought it home the same day, police said.
She told an animal control officer that the female dog appeared to be dead, police said.
The dog was alive, but suffered from severe injuries that appeared to have been caused by sodomy and had to be euthanized the same day, according to police.
Dempsey told the animal control officer that Riley was a stray she found it wondering nearby, police said, but the story neighbors told contradicted that.
They said Dempsey had the dog for several years and she later admitted to owning Riley for at least a year, according to police.
More arrests are expected.
According to police, Dempsey knew of the abuse and did nothing to stop it.
She was arrested on Monday and charged with cruelty to animals. Bond was set at $2,500 and she was released from custody, according to court records.
Dempsey is due in court on Oct. 31.